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Inclusivity Products

       Driven by the need and desire to see digital learning made accessible to all learners irrespective of socio-economic status and disabilities, we have developed content that ensures inclusion of learners with visual and hearing impairment.

a. Braille Transcription- SHP has initiated transcription of its text into Braille to cater for the visually impaired. The text introduces learners with visual impairment to the short AR videos that are available on the Nytra Zim mobile application so as to achieve equal access to digital content that helps cement concepts learnt.

b. Sign Language Transcription- We have incorporated the services of sign language interpreters to transcribe our short-Augmented Reality videos to sign language so as to ensure learners with hearing impairment are included in the digital transformation in education.

What We Offer

Infant School Books

The ECD learner’s books, which are also the textbooks for use in this level have been created with love and heart for our little learners. The idea was to make these formative years very enjoyable as the foundation for literacy is being laid.

Junior School Textbooks

‘Spring Up’ is the series name for all our Primary School Textbooks. They are developed in a manner that will captivate learners and in so doing impart knowledge and skill to mould tomorrow’s employment creators.


The Spring Up Readers are meant to introduce the culture of reading and to develop children’s vocabulary. They focus on the development of the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
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